Diseased Design

Diseased Design is a Schoemaker Design site. My name is Hubert Matthew Schoemaker, founder of Schoemaker Design and designer/developer for Diseased Design. I design websites using the latest and greatest technologies. I'm a self proclaimed trendy nerd who's always researching what's the new latest greatest technology. Currently I'm a middle man between web designers and web developers by a large government agency.

People say 'content is king'… This statement couldn't be an more accurate. So if 'content is king' then I look at myself like the King's tailor – there to make the King look fabulous without taking any of the limelight for themselves.

If you're interested in a design by me or just want some more information, don't hesitate to contact me.

Boncek Art Chucks MedlinePlus Magazine Backcover of MedlinePlus Magazine NLM in Focus Young Modern Design 610 Design Much to do about nothing MedlinePlus vanswietensociety